Holen Sie sich Ihr Geld zurück

von einem Betrug

If you’re a victim of an online scam company, contact us today for a free consultation.

Geld zurück

Warum wir?

Action Refund is a company specializing in accountant forensics and crypto tracing services. Whether you lost your funds with a dishonest broker, crypto exchange, or any other way, we have the tools and knowledge to help.

So far, we have helped thousands of clients and recovered hundreds of thousands of dollars through our work with law enforcement, regulators, and banks.

Du bist nicht alleine!

If you find yourself becoming a victim of online fraud, you are not alone;
millions of people worldwide are stuck facing this very same and typically overwhelming predicament.

Many individuals get discouraged when facing fraud, due to its burdensome nature, thinking that there is nothing to be done, feeling ashamed, frustrated and not knowing where to turn.

We at Action Refund are here to let you know that you are not alone.

Our expertise in the field of online trading scams and many other types of online fraud has helped thousands worldwide in recuperating their lost funds, bringing these perpetrators to justice and returning stolen wealth to their rightful owners.

Hilfe bekommen

Action Refund’s comprehensive services include a free consultation where we will provide you with all the information that is necessary to begin your case. If action is required, our company will investigate the matter and represent you before the fraudulent company, your bank, regulators, and any other necessary agency.

Sammlung von Informationen

Upon collecting all the necessary information and establishing that your request is valid and that fraud has indeed occurred, you will receive information and instructions as to how we will begin the process of getting back your lost funds.


Together with you, we will decide on the best and most efficient course of action in order to successfully recover your funds.


With us, you can be certain all measures are taken to guarantee you the best chances of success and to get back what is rightfully yours.

Recovering funds is a complex procedure. The time necessary to complete the refund process may vary depending on the circumstances.

Therefore, it’s important to trust us along the way, and know that we’re doing our best to help.

If you have any doubts whatsoever, you can request a refund within first 14 days. We appreciate your opinion.*

Arten von Betrug

Heutzutage zahlen sich Investitionen in binäre Optionen, die auch als Cash-or-nothing-Investitionen bezeichnet werden könnten, in der Regel überhaupt nicht oder in Form eines festen Geldbetrags aus. Leider ist ein Großteil der binären Handelsmärkte betrügerisch und nicht reglementiert. Das bedeutet, dass es ohne Wissen der Anleger unmöglich ist, einen Gewinn zu erzielen und am Ende keinerlei Entschädigung gibt. Darüber hinaus gibt es Broker für „binäre Optionen“, die Anlegern mitteilen, dass ihr Geld auf ein gesondertes Bankkonto eingezahlt wird, obwohl in Wirklichkeit kein solches Konto existiert. Das Geld geht auf die Konten der Broker, die sich in der Regel fernab in einem Steueroasenland befinden. Diejenigen, die ihr Geld abheben wollen, laufen am Ende immer gegen eine Wand und stellen leider fest, dass das Geld für immer verloren ist.

Währungen. Sie beinhaltet alle Bereiche des Kaufs, Verkaufs und Umtauschs von Währungen zu laufenden oder vorgegebenen Preisen.

Fragwürdige Forex-Agenturen nutzen die mangelnde Erfahrung der Menschen im Online-Handel aus und versprechen hohe Gewinne bei sehr geringem oder nicht vorhandenem Risiko (risikofreier Handel). Als Folge davon kommen Menschen in Versuchung, ihr Geld zu verschenken, ohne zu realisieren, dass ihre Chancen, die ihnen versprochenen Gewinne zu erzielen, gleich Null sind.

Alles das, zusammen mit der die Bulldozer-ähnliche Haltung der Forex-Handelsmakler macht diese Betrugsart zu einem der erfolgreichsten Finanzbetrüger der jüngsten Geschichte.

Im Jahr 2018 haben Menschen, die sich zu Investitionen in diese Art von Online-Währungen verleiten ließen, durch Cryptocurrency-Betrug insgesamt 1,7 Milliarden Dollar verloren. die dazu verleitet wurden, in diese Art von Online-Währungen zu investieren. Der unvergleichliche Erfolg von Bitcoin führte zur Bildung anderer Kryptowährungen und Krypto Geldbörsen, was die Menschen natürlich dazu veranlasste, in Online-Münzen zu investieren. Der häufigste Cryptocurrency-Betrug ist ein Ponzi-Schema – „alte“ Investoren in Cryptocurrency erhalten Geld wenn neue Investoren virtuelle Währungen kaufen. Im Grunde genommen gibt es keinen Gewinn Geld wird zwischen den Anlegern hin- und hergeschoben und die Gewinne liegen bei zu keine.

Aside from Forex, Binary Options, and Cryptocurrency scams, there are other common types of online frauds that target anyone they can; online dating/romance scams, for example, are very common and typically targets women around the world; many women have fallen victim to men who depicted themselves as single and willing to be in a relationship.

Once they got their victims’ comfortable and trusting, the men who performed the scams asked large sums of money for supposed emergencies, cheating women out of thousands of dollars. The widespread fraud does not usually result in lawsuits due to the victims feel ashamed that they have been duped and left heartbroken by their scammers.

Action Refund Kundenbewertungen

Wir sind auf der ganzen Welt

action refund

Wurden Sie online betrogen?

We are here for each and everyone of you who have fallen victim to any sort of online scam.

Our team is ready to track down your money, no matter how dire the situation may seem, and get you back what is rightfully yours.

    Was ist eine Rückbuchung?

    A chargeback is the process which allows you to retroactively cancel a credit/debit card transaction. The process begins the moment a request is filed with the bank that issued you the card.

    Ich habe diese Transaktionen vor Wochen/Monaten/Jahren autorisiert, ist eine Rückbuchung noch möglich?

    Visa® and Mastercard® guarantee that you can apply for a chargeback at any time within 120 days from the date of the transaction. Under certain conditions, that period can be extended to up to 540 days. In certain jurisdictions, the law provides you with even more time. As time passes by, it typically becomes more and more difficult to trace your lost funds. Fraudulent companies tend to declare bankruptcy or go defunct in order to avoid paying back stolen funds, only to come back afterward under a different name. However, as mentioned above, there is no specific time frame in which the task becomes unworkable. There have been people who managed to recover their funds several years after the fraudulent transaction occurred. As part of our free consultation, we will determine & advise you on how probable it is to trace back your money and successfully perform a chargeback.

    Wenn ich diese Transaktionen überhaupt autorisiert habe, macht mich die Bank dann nicht dafür verantwortlich?

    No. Any authorized transaction must result in you receiving the service that you were promised. These fraudulent companies do not engage in truthful practices. Even if the company followed their obligation to you, it must also meet specific regulatory obligations in order for the transaction to be considered legally binding. Most of these unregulated scam companies aren’t able to justify their practices, therefore making all such transactions illegal and open for dispute.

    Warum sollte ich mich für Action Refund entscheiden und dies nicht selbst tun?

    When attempting to perform a chargeback, you must be able to provide all the necessary information which isn’t generally requested from you by the bank, while at the same time adhering to the guidelines and requirements of your specific banking institution. Furthermore, you normally only get one attempt to properly dispute a charge. Our experts at Action Refund specialize in building and representing our clients at the highest and most professional level necessary to get your chargeback approved. We know the specifics which maximize your chances of success and have an array of tools at our disposal which isn’t typically available to those who aren’t familiar with how this process works.

    Wie stehen die Chancen, mein Geld erfolgreich zurückzuerhalten?

    That all depends on specific details of your case, as every situation is unique. Following your free consultation, we will provide you with our preliminary assessment, which includes your likelihood of success. Action Refund will never instill false hopes in our potential clients. If we believe that you have a case with a high probability of success, we will provide you with all of the available recovery options, and when we take on a case, we guarantee to leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of recovering what is rightfully yours.

    Wer wir sind?

    Action Refund is a specialized chargeback company working closely with online financial scam victims. Our utmost goal is to help those in need recover their hard-earned money.
    The most precious word in our dictionary is justice, which is what we fight for. With online scams being a prevalent method of fraud in the past years, we specialized in accountant forensics and crypto tracing services. We established cooperation with global regulators and law enforcement.
    Each of our members has been hand-picked due to their vast experience and deep knowledge about the matter. Once you reach out to us, we’ll ensure to connect you with an expert in the related field. Upon the first consultation, you will understand why Action Refund has the trust of thousands of clients around the world.
